



我们很自豪地推出流传感器模块,它是端到端 AirICU® 解决方案中最具革命性的环节之一,Air 360® 是唯一用于重症监护系统的便携式雾化器呼吸传感技术,致力于更高效的药物雾化速率输送和抗生素的吸收和肺沉积。

  • Air 360® 呼吸感应技术
  • 世界上第一个重症监护雾化器传感器技术
  • 高灵敏度
  • 灵活搭配
  • 更高的药物输送效率
  • 更高的抗生素吸收效率
Aerogen Ultra, optional delivery of oxygen


AirICU® 可提高各种呼吸方式的药物管理效率。与喷射雾化器相比,它在侵入性机械通气 (IMV)、无创通气 (NIV) 和高流量治疗 (HF) 期间表现出更优异的药物沉积效果。此外,研究表明,呼吸传感器技术比连续雾化技术有效 4 到 7 倍。

Patient care


  • 接受无创通气(NIV)的患者的肺功能增强。
  • 高流量治疗(HF)期间支气管扩张剂的效果相似。
  • 降低住院率,缩短急诊室平均住院时间,减少重度通气(SV)患者所需的治疗次数并减少达到症状缓解所需的时间。
  • 在经历慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD) 急性加重的个体中,FEV1、FVC、呼吸困难评分、呼吸频率 (RR) 和 PaCO2 从基线到 120 分钟存在显著差异。
  • 可逆性阻塞性肺病患者的 FEV1 相对增加。
  • 哮喘恶化后达到轻度哮喘评分。
  • 与 AirICU Aerotank 一起使用可获得最佳效果


AirICU® 简化了工作流程。

  • 它是一种闭路气雾剂药物输送系统,允许在有创机械通气 (IMV) 或无创通气 (NIV) 期间进行药物输送,而无需断开电路。
  • AirICU® 与 iBreathe® 重症监护系统相结合可以提供完整的雾化解决方案 - 包括生命体征、雾化状态、雾化历史和其他解决方案。
  • AirICU® 提供集成气雾输送和高流量治疗,可与




Invasive mechanical ventilation enquiries






In what scenarios will the Air ICU product be used and with what devices used in hospital wards?

The AirICU kit is widely used in ICU, NICU, PICU, emergency, and general wards. It integrates with ventilators and HFNC systems, optimizing nebulization with the Air360 module for efficient inhalation therapy. It also functions independently with the AeroTank system and customized masks, meeting diverse patient needs for oxygen delivery and nebulization.

What are the advantages of AirICU products?

AirICU products utilize advanced AiMesh® technology, offering a more durable medication cup compared to traditional metal mesh. Studies show mesh nebulizers achieve superior drug deposition compared to ultrasonic and jet nebulizers. Additionally, Air ICU's smart nebulization (Air360®) with breath-sensing technology further enhances inhaled drug delivery efficiency.

What parts need to be replaced for each use?

Except for the high temperature resistance version of accessories, the AirICU system includes a reusable main unit and disposable components such as the medication cup and accessories, designed for single-patient use. The main unit must be cleaned before reuse, while the medication cup and other accessories should be replaced for each new patient to ensure hygiene and safety.

Why can't children(pediatric)/infants(neonate) be connected to the induction module?

Pediatric and neonatal tidal flow is minimal, requiring a highly sensitive induction module. While the adult induction mode is already in use, the pediatric/neonatal version is still under development and testing to ensure precision. Our goal is to deliver the highest quality technology for optimal patient care.

How long does the Medication Cup last?

Medication Cup, T-Piece (including adult, child and infant), Air Flow Sensor. 28 days (in intermittent use, 4 treatments per day) 7 days (continuous use)

How many holes are there in the nebulizer net of the Medication Cup?

Approximately 2,000

How many times a second does the nebulizer sheet vibrate?

130,000 times per second.

What is the approximate service life of the battery in the AirICU mainframe?

5 years

